



授课教师:Wojtek Hajdas




Wojtek Hajdas教授是瑞士保罗·谢尔研究所(PSI)的高级科学家。他在波兰克拉科夫的雅盖隆大学(UJ)获得本科学位,随后在苏黎世的瑞士联邦理工学院(ETHZ)的中能物理研究所获得博士学位。他的职业生涯始于在UJ和ETHZ担任物理助理。随后,他成为瑞士PSI天体物理实验室的研究科学家。目前,他是PSI粒子物理实验室(LTP)的成员,负责航天组件与材料的辐射测试设备(PIF -质子辐照装置和EMON -电子辐照装置)的运行。

他的主要工作涉及粒子辐射组件测试装置(PIF, EMON)、空间气象、空间仪器研究、以及地球和太阳系辐射环境观测。PIF设施已经被欧洲航天局(ESA)的组件测试项目组使用了20多年。PIF也被工业界和学术界用于有源元件耐辐射的研究。目前该装置是欧洲共同体研究计划“地平线2020”中“辐射设施网络--用于探索工业和研究的影响(RADNEXT)”的成员。

Wojtek Hajdas开发并实施了新的粒子探测技术(NGRM, RADEM, HIT)和x射线测量仪(POLAR -已用于中国空间站天宫二号的飞行任务)。他负责欧空局JUICE木星任务(RADEM仪器)上的辐射环境测量工作。他还参与了几个国际合作中辐射探测器的设计、建模和数据分析。他参与了超过15项重要的航天计划,资助来源包括SNF, ESA, EU和CAS。他是超过170篇同行评议科学论文的作者和合著者,也是两本关于空间和太阳天体物理学的著作的合著者。他是RADECS研讨会(2008年,2011年,2017年)的主席和会议组织者(ESA-CNES FPD 2009)。同时是瑞士物理学会的成员和SCOSTEP太阳-地球物理科学委员会的董事会成员。

Wojtek Hajdas is the senior scientist of Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland. He graduated from the Jagellonian University (UJ) in Cracow Poland and continued his education at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) obtaining a Ph.D. as Dr. sc. nat. in the Institute of Middle Energy Physics. His professional career started as a physics assistant at UJ and ETHZ. Subsequently, he became a research scientist in the Laboratory for Astrophysics of PSI in Switzerland. Currently, he is a member of the PSI Laboratory for Particle Physics (LTP) being in charge of the particle exposure facilities for components and material tests (PIF – proton irradiation facility and EMON – electron mono-chromator). As the senior scientist, he is affiliated to the LTP Detectors, Irradiations, and Applied Particle Physics group (DIAPP).

His main activities are related to particle irradiation facilities for components testing (PIF, EMON), space instrumentation for the space weather studies, and observations of the Earth and Solar system radiation environment. The PIF facility has been used by the European Space Agency and its components testing program for already more than two decades. PIF is also used by both the industry and academia for active components radiation hardness research. The main currently running project - Radiation facility Network for the Exploration of effects for industry and research (RADNEXT) is supported by the European Community research program Horizon 2020.

Wojtek Hajdas develops and implements novel detection technologies for particles (NGRM, RADEM, HIT) and X-ray measurements (POLAR – flew on the Chinese Space Lab TG2). He is in charge of radiation environment measurements on board of the ESA JUICE mission to Jupiter (RADEM instrument). He also participates in design, modeling, and data analysis from radiation detectors in several international collaborations. He participates in more than 15 grants including SNF, ESA, EU, and CAS-financed projects. He is an author and co-author of about 170 peer-reviewed scientific papers and co-author of two books on space and solar astrophysics. His is a chairman at RADECS workshops (2008, 2011, 2017) and a conference organizer (ESA-CNES FPD 2009). He is a member of the Swiss Physical Society and a board member of the SCOSTEP Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics.


随着航天技术的发展,人类已认识到太阳和风暴的空间天气条件会对航天器带来极大风险,但由于缺乏永久观测和适当的测量系统,我们对其中的诸多科学问题还有待深入研究。人类和地球上的基础设施所面临的各种短期风险和长期威胁都是由一系列复杂的太阳事件造成的,影响了大量的卫星任务,因此空间天气学已成为服务航天技术的基础研究学科。空间天气学融合了许多学科,从太阳物理学和空间物理学到大气物理学和化学;同时还涉及对空间天气及其影响的预先观测涉及多种技术,从新型传感器和探测器到现代电子和设备,再到计算机系统和信息技术,包括人工智能。Wojtek Hajdas研究员长期致力于空间天气学中的粒子探测及其相关电子器件可靠性研究,参与了欧空局多项空间探测器的研发,在该领域有很深的学术造诣。在这门课程中,通过讨论上述主题的基础知识提高学生的意识,并激励他们深入学习,以达到卓越的科学水平。本课程面向电子信息与空间科学专业的本科生,以及未来致力于航天事业的本科生。内容为入门级准备,涵盖了太阳和空间粒子物理元素的空间天气科学的基础知识。主要内容有:介绍粒子辐射及其在空间环境中的基础知识,介绍空间天气观测方法,主题包括核物理和粒子物理、辐射探测技术和信号处理电子学。讨论空间天气的影响,包括组件和器件的辐射损伤。同时增加了新型探测技术和现代电子技术在空间天气研究中的应用,并介绍了风险评估和预测的基本要素。

Our awareness of risks imposed by active Sun and stormy space weather conditions is already very high but also fragile due to deficiency of permanent observations and appropriate measurement systems. Variety of short term risks and long time scale threats imposed on humans and our infrastructure on Earth result from chains of complex events and processes starting on the Sun. Studying it requires us to combine many disciplines from heliophysics and space physics to atmospheric physics and chemistry. Advance observations of Space Weather and its effects encompass diverse technologies from novel sensors and detectors through modern electronics and devices to computer systems and information technologies including also artificial intelligence. In this course, we address above topics with the goal to increase student’s awareness and motivate them for intensive studies aimed to reach high level of scientific excellence. Our course targets the undergraduates majoring in electronic and space science, as well as undergraduates who are committed to the space industry future. The content covers basics of the space weather sciences with elements of solar and space particle physics. We present basics of particle radiation with its environments in space followed by space weather observation methods with topics on nuclear and particle physics, radiation detection technologies and signal processing electronics. We also discuss space weather effects including radiation damage in components and devices. We also add applications of novel detection technologies and modern electronics for space weather research and introduce basics elements of risk assessment and prediction.


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