



授课教师:Drazan Kozak




2005年至2009年担任斯拉沃尼亚布罗德大学力学工程学院副院长,2009-2013年担任斯拉沃尼亚布罗德大学力学工程学院院长, 2017-2020年担任克罗地亚奥西耶克大学教育和学生副校长,目前担任斯拉沃尼亚布罗德大学校长助理。是克罗地亚ESIS主席。布罗德大学国际团队协会主席(2014-2019年),两次获得斯洛伐克科希策工业大学生产技术学院授予的Prešov科技奖。是匈牙利约翰·冯·诺依曼大学凯克斯凯米特学院名誉教授,是斯洛文尼亚马里博尔大学机械工程学院和塞尔维亚诺维萨德大学技术科学学院客座教授。担任克罗地亚国际国内博士导师,并指导完成25名国际博士生完成学位答辩。认证成为国家知识产权局批准的“技术对象连续无线监测条件系统”HRP20181620号专利的共同所有人,获得了ECA国际化质量评估资格,欧洲认证的EUR-ACE培训资格,是许多欧洲机构(荷兰、马耳他、芬兰、匈牙利、捷克共和国、斯洛文尼亚、塞尔维亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)等聘请的高等教育机构质量注册审计师。

Vice-dean of the Mechanical engineering faculty in Slavonski Brod, Croatia (2005-2009), dean of the same institution (2009-2013), and Vice-rector for education and students of the University of Osijek, Croatia (2017-2020). Currently I am the Rector’s Assistant for quality assurance at the University of Slavonski Brod (2021-2025). President of the ESIS Croatia. President of the International TEAM Society (2014-2019). Brod. Two-times awarded by Faculty of Production Technologies Prešov, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia for development of the institution. Honorary professor at the John von Neumann University Kecskemét college, Hungary and guest professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia, and Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Supervisor of 8 defended dissertations and member of the Board for assessment and defense of the doctoral dissertations for 25 candidates in Croatia and abroad. Co-owner of the Patent No HRP20181620: “System for continuous wireless monitoring conditions of technical objects” approved by State Intellectual Property Office. He completed training for assessing the Quality of Internationalisation by ECA and training for EUR-ACE (European Accredited Engineer) by ENAEE. Certified auditor for quality of higher education institutions engaged by many European agencies (The Netherlands, Malta, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).



With the development of electronic computer technology, numerical methods are increasingly widely used in the field of engineering technology, and have become a bridge between mathematics and computers. They are the main methods for studying the solution of various mathematical problems. This course mainly introduces computational modelling of the physical process by discretizing it with partial differential equations. Three different approaches by using of Finite difference method, Finite element method or Finite volume method. Examples of solved engineering problems by using of these methods.


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