






In 2006, I graduated from Southeast University with a doctor's degree in management science and engineering, and worked in Nanjing Fiber Star Sky Communication Development Co., LTD., as the chief engineer of technology. I am interested in database and data analysis, complex system and network traffic optimization, early warning and prevention of network attacks and other fields.


数据科学是一个蓬勃发展且具良好就业前景的技术发展方向。本课程面向初级学员,从零开始讲解数据科学工作,并带领学员熟悉数据科学的核心知识——数学和统计学。课程基于简单易学的Python语言环境,涵盖语言基础,涉及线性代数、统计和概率论的基本方法,主要知识点包括:收集、探索、清理、转换和操作数据;理解机器学习的基础;, 运用k-近邻、朴素贝叶斯、线性回归和逻辑回归、决策树、神经网络和聚类等各种数据模型完成若干实际问题的处理。

Data science is a thriving and promising technical development direction. This course is aimed at junior learners, starting from scratch to explain data science work, and leading students to familiarize themselves with the core knowledge of data science-mathematics and statistics. The course is based on a simple and easy-to-learn Python language environment, covering language basics, basic methods related to linear algebra, statistics, and probability theory. The main knowledge points include: collecting, exploring, cleaning, transforming, and manipulating data; understanding the basics of machine learning; using various data models such as k-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, linear regression and logistic regression, decision trees, neural networks and clustering to complete the processing of several practical problems.


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